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Previous DD Day Events

DD Day Doctor Who 60th Anniversary
23 Nov 2023 , Manchester Central Library
Our first line event since 2019, curated and organised by our DD Day 2023 team of younger volunteers. With pop-up installations feat. props made by school children and the opportunity to play a wobbulator (a modern circuit re-creation of a BBC Radiophonic Workshop instrument). We also presented our new creative commissions and heard from the artists who made them.

Wed 23 Nov 2022, online
DD Day 2022 was an online happening. As momentum builds each year internationally on this day, we invited people to share their inspiration and appreciation. Many joined the social media frenzy and we also shared some content – click here to visit our DD Day 2022 page.

Sat 23 July 2022
DD Day returns to bluedot festival of science, art and music at Jodrell Bank, Chershire! We held a panel discussion unpacking some archive items and Delia’s work with special guests Nainita Desai, Hannah Peel and our trustee Mark Ayres. Also the first in-person screening of our wonderful 2021 commissions.

Sat 5 March 2022
We presented a slot as part of Deliaphonic Festival at Coventry Cathedral. Supported by British Council, we held a general talk about Delia, a panel discussion and a screening of 2 films by Madelon Hooykaas and Elsa Stansfield that Delia did the music for.

Tues 23 November 2021
DD Day 2021 was an online celebration which included a live stream event supported by bluedot (festival of science and art) to premiere new art by our 2021 commissioned artists Suzy Mangion, Katie Mason, MT Hall and Post.liang alongside new website content, other Delia-n news and a competition for the most imaginative photo of DD Day merchandise. DD Day 2021 project was gratefully supported by Arts Council England and The Granada Foundation. Click here to check out DD Day 2021 content

Mon 23 November 2020
DD Day 2020 was an online Delia-n feast of new art and interviews with leading artists inspired by the late great Delia Derbyshire. With awesome artists like Segun Akinola (current Dr Who composer), Caroline Catz (actor/director), Cosey Fanni Tutti (composer/artist), Madelon Hooykaas (artist who worked with Delia) and a round up of our recent education work by younger (electronic) music producers Breezewax, IORA and Serenity Moon. CLICK HERE to absorb our online DD DAY 2020

Sat 7 MARCH 2020
DD Day at Inner City Electronic Festival, Leeds. An “Electric Storm 50” project touring showcase. Caro C was in conversation with David Vorhaus of White Noise talking about making the cult album “An Electric Storm” with Delia Derbyshire and Brian Hodgson. Then there was performances of recent DD Day commissions by BISHI and Kat Lovell/Izzy Bolt with their new music and digital visuals inspired by “An Electric Storm”. Click here to read more about our “Electric Storm 50” project

MON 9 MARCH 2020
DD Day at Sounds Like THIS Festival, Leeds. An exciting new audio visual performance produced in collaboration with 14 younger artists. Created in our Brighter Sound’s Both Sides Now “Electric Storm” creative residency in Jan 2020. Click here to read more about our “Electric Storm 50” project

SAT 30 NOV 2019
Delia Derbyshire Day 2019 LDN at British Library in partnership with Iklectik – with workshops, symposium (talk by David Vorhaus & Brian Hodgson of White Noise + panel discussion) and evening event with audio feature screening, live AV performances and DJs, hosted by Nemone (BBC 6Music). Click here to read more about our “Electric Storm 50” project

SAT 23 NOV 2019
Delia Derbyshire Day 2019 at Spirit Studios, Manchester, UK honoured the 50th anniversary of the release of “An Electric Storm” by White Noise. With talk by David Vorhaus (White Noise), audio sharing and audio feature by David Butler/Andrea Pazos, new music/art by BISHI, Kat Lovell and Izzy Bolt. Plus daytime 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound workshops. Click here to read more about our “Electric Storm 50” project

SAT 5 OCT 2019
Delia Derbyshire Day at Synth Fest UK 2019 – we were at Synth Fest UK in Sheffield again with our info stal, talking all things Delia-n and with our shop stuff.

SAT 1 JUNE 2019
Delia talks at Inner City Electronic Festival, Leeds – Caro C delivered a talk about Delia’s work and presented some of her archive material while Mark Ayres did a Radiophonic Workshop and “How They Made the Dr Who theme” talk with original BBC tape material.

FRI 23 NOV 2018
DD DAY 2018 online edition – For our DD Day celebrations for 2018, we experimented with an online edition. We compiled a variety of Delia-n content including articles, music and our education work. Head over to our DD DAY 2018 page to peruse.

SAT 6 OCT 2018
Seminar & stall at Synthfest 2018 – Sheffield – Caro C was invited deliver a talk about Delia’s work and present some of her archive material at this massive event managed by Sound on Sound magazine. We also had a stall and a wonderful team of volunteers chatting Delia to many interested folk.

SAT 16 JUNE 2018
University of Manchester Community Festival – An action packed free event for all the family with stalls about many aspects of learning within the university. We presented a stall chatting to people about Delia’s work, working methods and archive while probably around 150 children enjoyed exploring and experimenting with our Deliaphonica Game.

FRI 8 JUNE 2018
Women’s work at Oh Yeah Centre, BELFAST – An informal talk and interactive workshop about Delia, her work and working methods delivered with totally analogue recording studio engineer Julie MacLarnon (no computers at all!) from Analogue Catalogue Studios just outside Belfast. Delia inspires again and some quirky found sounds soundscapes were created!

Artists in Archives: For Interest Only at International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Manchester – 6- 9pm. A popular and lively event in partnership with Digital Women’s Archive North (DWAN) with talks, discussions and performances exploring the role of arts practice in unlocking archives once considered “for interest only.”

DD Day showcase as part of a special event celebrating Delia Derbyshire at Birmingham Electro Acoustic Sound Theatre, 6.30-8.30pm. With live performance, audio-visual collage with audio from the DD Archive and screening of The Delian Mode by Kara Blake. BEAST composers will also create new works inspired by Delia. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS.

DD Day workshop, presentation, screening and performance as part of an exhibition at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, UK called “Computing History: Where Did All the Women Go?” running from 25 Sept to 27 October 2017. We delivered our music making workshop for children, a presentation about Delia’s work and archive, a screening of audio-visual collage with audio from DD Archive and a live performance inspired by Delia’s fascinating archive

7-10 SEPTEMBER 2017
DD Day showcase at Festival No.6 at Port Merrion, North Wales. We presented a talk about Delia and electronic music on the Saturday with Salon No.6 and then performed 2 DD Day commissions (Manuella Blackburn/Tracey Zengeni and Caro C/Andrea Pazos) on the Sunday. It was a wet and muddy weekend but worth it – we had lovely audiences who were inspired by Delia and our work.

We presented a DD Day touring event for Full Of Noises (FON) in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria with participatory workshops for families and evening cultural heritage event with archive sharing, panel discussion/Q&A, live music/visual art performances plus an archive response commissioned by Full of Noises to explore Delia’s Cumbrian connection. The event went really well, inspiring and enabling children, young people and adults as we unlocked Delia’s works, archive and working methods.

SAT 8 JULY 2017
A DD Day showcase at Blue Dot Festival with talks, archive sharing screenings and performances. Talk/Q&A hosted by David Butler with Dick Mills and Mark Ayres of RADIOPHONIC WORKSHOP and DD Day artists Caro C and Mandy Wigby. Then performances of 3 DD Day commissions by Caro C with VJ Andrea Pazos, Manuella Blackburn (sound/music) and Tracey Zengeni (live painting) & The Architects of Rosslyn (electronic & acoustic) live soundtrack to a collage of films by Di Mainstone. An appreciative audience with the word “inspiring” cropping up a lot!
— Special Cultural Heritage Event: Delia Derbyshire Day 2017 —
Sat 10 June at Band on the Wall, MCR, 7.30-10PM
- How we made the Dr Who theme presentation by Dick Mills from the The BBC Radiophonic Workshop;
- Discussion with special guests Dick Mills, Brian Hodgson and Mark Ayres who knew and worked with Delia;
- New audio archive collage compiled by Dr David Butler with visuals inspired by the DD Archive by Andrea Pazos;
- New artwork response to Delia’s inspiring archive by composer Manuella Blackburn with live painting by artist Tracey Zengeni;
- Performance of “The Waking Sleep” popular DD Day 2016 commission by The Architects of Rosslyn live electronic and acoustic soundtrack to a collage of films by Di Mainstone.
With a Delia-n market offering quirky Delia inspired products (remember to bring some extra cash!) and hands on electronic music workshops for children and for adults, we cooked up yet another wonderful DD Day full of Delia-n delights!

WED 7 JUNE 2017
Caro C live on Reform Radio, MCR in a special pre-DD Day 2017 show with Delia related chat, interviews, sounds and a live performance of Caro’s DD Day 2013 commission (revisited and renewed). Listen back: Reform Radio DD Day takeover with Agent Groovement.

A special live show on NTS Radio show for Delia’s 80th birthday! Dive into the sonic world of Delia Derbyshire with music, sounds and information about Delia, the DD Archive and DD Day activities. Presented by Caro C and Mandy Wigby. Listen back to this programme: