by deliaderbyshireday | Sep 8, 2015 | DD Day event Manchester
We are very excited to annouce our next Delia Derbyshire Day event in Manchester will be on Sunday January 17th 2016 at the lovely new HOME Manchester. We are very pleased that HOME want to be the new home of Delia Derbyshire Day and we all feel it is an especially...
by deliaderbyshireday | May 6, 2015 | DD Day event info
Hello there cherished DD Day supporters and potential new recruits! We are happy to announce plans for our next Delia Derbyshire Day are afoot. The fresh focus for the event will not just be music – more will be revealed in time. In the meantime we wanted to let...
by deliaderbyshireday | Jul 17, 2014 | DD Day 2014, Phase 2 project development
Now that DD Day 2014, our touring events and education pilot work are complete, it remains for us to thank everyone who has made this another successful and inspiring venture. All the venues for being so helpful and hard-working; the audiences for being so supportive...
by deliaderbyshireday | Apr 15, 2014 | DD Day 2014, DD Day event info, Delia Darlings on tour
After a wondrous second Delia Derbyshire Day here in Manchester, we are now in the midst of our little tour, this year mainly visiting the South of England. Some audience responses to DD Day 2014 in MCR, Hebden & London: “Thank you for an amazing night! All...
by deliaderbyshireday | Apr 11, 2014 | DD Day 2014, DD Day event info, DD Day event Manchester, Delia Derbyshire Day Guest mixes
Happy DD Day 2014! We are busy getting everything ready for our second Delia Derbyshire Day event here in Manchester, which is home to the Delia Derbyshire archive (University of Manchester). And my do we have some excitements in store..Delia Darling Caro C: “The...
by deliaderbyshireday | Mar 24, 2014 | DD Day 2014, DD Day event info, DD Day event Manchester, Delia Darlings on tour
[vimeo 88645554 w=500 h=281] As countdown commences to Delia Derbyshire Day 2014 here in Manchester, UK and proceeding touring events to Hebden Bridge, London, Bristol and Norwich, we thought it might be nice to give you the latest news on the Delia Derbyshire archive...
by deliaderbyshireday | Mar 3, 2014 | DD Day 2014, DD Day event info
We would like to introduce you to two new artists whose response to the Delia Derbyshire Archive held at Manchester University (UK) will be performed alongside developed versions of Delia Derbyshire Day 2013 commissions by Caro C and Ailís Ní Ríain for our DD Day 2014...
by deliaderbyshireday | Feb 11, 2014 | DD Day 2014, DD Day event info, Delia Darlings on tour, Phase 2 project development, Uncategorized
To buy tickets for this event please visit the events page: Delia Derbyshire Day 2014 tickets from Skiddle For tour dates in Hebden Bridge, London, Bristol and Norwich please go to DD Day 2014 tickets page After the sell-out and general success of Delia Derbyshire Day...
by deliaderbyshireday | Nov 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
With the approval of Delia Derbyshire estate and a successful funding bid from Arts Council England, we are very pleased to announce the second phase of the Delia Darlings project which builds on the success of Delia Derbyshire Day 2013 which took place in Manchester,...
by deliaderbyshireday | Aug 19, 2013 | Ailís Ní Ríain, caro c (was caro snatch), Delia Darlings on tour, Kara BLake The Delian Mode
We are excited to announce 2 new upcoming shows involving the current delia darlings: FRI 13 SEPT > PERSPECTIVES FESTIVAL > BERLIN > CARO C LIVE SET Experimental electronic composer/performer Caro C has been invited to perform her Delia Derbyshire Day 2013...