The Matthew Nicholls Foundation recently approached us to suggest we try out a found sound project with secondary school students in these unprecedented times. The Matthew Nicholls Foundation supported our Electric Storm 50 creative residency at Loreto College last year and loved the found sound/sampling element of the music production approach we use inspired by Delia Derbyshire and The BBC Radiophonic Workshop’s musique concrete composition methods.
Intended as a fun, creative and educational activity in these more homebound times, we have cooked up an exploratory project with One Education Music. We will make 3 new music tracks using found sounds – objects from around the house – and voice samples/words.
We are therefore inviting music students and creative young minds (via social media and word of mouth) to send us sounds. We are interested to see what people want to do and can manage whilst at home.
This project is also funded by a donation from Wormhole Records, who recently released a compilation inspired by Delia Derbyshire and other key electronic music pioneers such as Wendy Carlos.
We hope we will receive some inspired contributions and present the 3 crowd sourced tracks in August.