A few announcements from DD Day HQ as we prepare to return to a couple of music/science festivals this summer, honour a generous donation and let you know what we have planned for 2022 and beyond.

2022 is looking like a quieter year for us publicly as we reflect on last year’s “Covid creative response” project, consider our next steps and develop new commissions and education projects for 2023.

DD Day at bluedot Festival, Sat 23 July

We are looking forward to returning to bluedot festival of science, art and music at the Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, UK. We are doing a slot in the daytime on the Saturday with special panel guests, sharing archive extracts and our DD Day 2021 commissions – in person!


DD Day at Deershed Festival, Sat 29-31 July

We will also be Deershed Festival offering electronic music making workshops at this family focused festival in Yorkshire. Lots of amazing activities and fellow music/science organisations will be there to inspire the next generations of sound and music adventurers! 

Honouring a generous donation

A massive thank you from Delia Derbyshire Day to the friends and loved ones of Neil Prime who recently passed away. Neil was a DD Day supporter and requested that mourners donate to DD Day instead of sending flowers. We send our sincere thanks and sympathies to them at this time.

David Butler, our chair of trustees comments:
“There’s no knowing where their generosity will reach but part of Neil’s legacy will be the support of artists, the creation of new music and inspiring future listeners, which could travel far and wide and endure for years – so it is an extremely generous and meaningful gift.”

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