Happy Delia Derbyshire Day 2024

This year has been a quieter one for our activities throughout the year after our big Doctor Who 60th project in 2023. We did enjoy a fun Doctor Who remix project that brought electronic music education to Cheshire and we have also gathered a few Delia related items...

Doctor Who remix project in rural schools

We recently completed Phase 2 of a partnership Doctor Who Remix Project. The partner was Music for Life, a non-profit music education provider in Cheshire who wanted to expand their service to include electronic music education. The project was exciting for us as it...

The Delia Derbyshire Day archive now available

We are pleased to announce the Delia Derbyshire Day archive at John Rylands Research Institure and Library, Manchester, is now accessible. You can access the archive catalogue online via the Elgar online system.  You can visit the collection in person at John Rylands...
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